Thursday, 21 June 2012


Healthy Body ! Healthy Profits !

To succeed at business, you need skills, but you will not perform to full potential if you’re unfit. Fitness is where the motivation, focus and energy comes from. We can all be terrible at allowing work, targets and pressure to take over our lives but without a healthy brain can you really work at your true potential and enhance your staff's motivation levels? Probably not... 

For most business owners and managers it is easy to forget exercise, grabbing ANOTHER black coffee, eating late and forgetting breakfast, however the risk factors of this are not only dangerous but can demodulate your team. Your business and team are only as healthy as you are. 

Rather than purely putting the employees through just various training courses, it is also important to promote  new Brown Bag lunches, arrange for a number of external people to come and do talks on things such as Yoga, Mediation and Healthy Eating.

Top Tips for all of those who are Workaholics - 

You would never forget an important meeting with a customer so don't forget an important meeting with the rowing machine! You can not work to your best ability if you are unfit.

Ensure your staff have breakouts! - Why not create a break out zone in your office?

Promote breaks and lunch breaks - We are all human - The brain works threefold AFTER a short break.

Break the mould - why not give it a go?

Encourage wellness programmes - why not set a team competition?

Stop feeling overwhelmed and stop overwhelming your team. Pressure equals low productivity. Fun, fresh and innovative ideas increases team morale, productivity and enjoy!

Look after your health & the outcome will be richer! You will be able to enjoy it more so as you would’ve built up a strong fit body! 

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